前台 招牌 打印 切割 雕刻 亚克力有机玻璃 铝塑板等

艺术品 | 展示品 | 婚礼 | 生日 | 奖牌 | 亚克力有机玻璃 | 泡沫板 | PVC塑料版 | 中密度木板 | 铝塑板

诚邀 为同行业伙伴公司提供代工服务




Acrylic sheets


Prefered file format .dxf .plt .bmp .jpg .eps .ai

Suitable Pictures and drawings can be converted to cutting profile.


Reverse design available, bring a sample, we can re-design cutting profile to match.



Free pick up from our warehouse, also deliver Australia wide.


Turnaround Time

1-3 Business days

Please send artwork ,measurements and quantity to:

Email: service@4118print.com

SMS   0431 540 346 Bo Li